About Me and my family
Hi! My name is Bethany I'm 9 years old and I already like to go on many adventures that I spend with my family. My mum is called Catherine. She's the boss of the family but she will always find as much time as she can to spend with the rest of us. When mum can't spend time with us, she is either working or tidying her brain out. When it's like this, I would suggest not to mess with her...
My dad is called John. He works at a school for expelled kids. Thankfully I haven't been expelled, because by what my dad says, I do NOT want to go to a school like that. Dad is the one that organizes all the holidays that we go on. And we go on a lot of holidays!
My sister is called Lydia. When we're not fighting, me and Lydia are the best of friends. Lydia is also one of the biggest parts of my life. Although she almost always gets on my nerves I know that its worth it. (Most of the time!)
I'm on the left and Lydia is on the
How funny - I love these descriptions Bethany - especially about your Mum tidying her brain out!! Aunty Biz xx